This blog is dedicated to updating family and friends on the adventures of young Evan as he continues to learn, play, and amaze his parents.
He discovered the light switches. He's learned that if you turn it one way, the light will turn on, the other way it'll turn off. Now every time we're downstairs, he is by the lightswitch saying, "up" because he wants to turn them off and on. Uh...should I have taught him that so soon?
If you haven't seen him do his latest trick, hopefully we can get it on video so all can witness it. He loves to put a piece of food on his sippy cup and when he's "taking a drink", he'll pop the food in his mouth by tipping his cup and then take a drink. He's talented!
Evan's been having a streak of energy late at night. We're not sure if he's slap happy or what, but when we think it's time for bed, he goes running (literally) around the basement and doing his "uhhh, ahhh" noises. He'll climb up and down and up and down the furniture. He'll throw Daisy's ball and even play keep away with her. His energy makes Mommy and Daddy laugh a lot because we have no idea where it came from and he's hilarious to watch. Evan, I mean Superboy is so much fun!
Yesterday morning Jason and I were trying to eat breakfast so to keep Evan busy and out of trouble (he'd already eaten), I dumped out one of his puzzles on the floor, told him to put it back together, and bring it to Mommy and Daddy once he's done. Sure enough, a few minutes later, here comes Evan strolling in the kitchen holding a puzzle that is totally completed. So brilliant! He makes me smile just thinking about it!
Evan has also gotten 2 more teeth. They're on the top, and I'm not sure if they're right beside his front 4 or if there's a gap and then the new teeth. But believe me, they're in there! No molars yet, but he doc said they're on their way down soon.
Healthwise, everyone's feeling better. Evan's done with his cold with the exception of a little nasal drainage. Daisy's acting like she used to and really doesn't want us to help her off the bed or up/down the stairs. She isn't listening to her doctor's orders very well. But it's great to see her back to her playful self again!