Preparing for Christmas is quite different this year. Having a toddling baby makes the usual holiday preparations a bit more difficult. Our holiday shopping is not done. I'm not sure what sort of delicious treats we're baking this year. And we just put up our Christmas decorations this past week. It's worth it, though, as Evan is in love with the tree! His basket of toys is close enough to the tree that he can touch it and even pull off a few ornaments, when we're not looking, of course. Gotta love all those "soft" ornaments we've accumulated over our lifetimes! This year Evan got the honors of putting up the first ornament...

Admiring all the lights on the tree...

Evan basically walks everywhere he can now. Crawling is becoming more and more rare. Today, he was toddling around the house and I followed him (one of his many favorite games). Guess where he went first? The tree! For the adorable photo ops, I let him undecorate it a little...

Oooh, this one looks fun...

What can I take off next?

Ever the goofball, Evan always keeps us laughing. Daddy got him a soft puppy dog from San Diego. Last night, he was being silly and carrying the doggie around in his mouth! Ha!

This evening after doing some holiday shopping, Evan and I were playing a bouncy game with the ottoman.

We were bouncing up and down, and up and down....

Boom! Down for the count!