The Mears family packed up and headed to Indiana for Thanksgiving this year. Driving with a 10-month old was dauting for sure. I got some great advice...drive through the night and hopefully the baby will sleep. Guess what?! It worked! We left around 8 pm on Tuesday evening and drove through the night, arriving around 6 am. Evan only woke up once when we changed drivers. Good boy! A word of advice to those parents out there...it totally is worth it! We know this because we drove through the day yesterday coming back to Maryland. Not as fun! Of course, traffic was a nightmare (it took a good 12 hours, ugh!), and Evan certainly didn't sleep the whole way. All in all, he did great, but as you can expect, he wanted out of the carseat and wanted to play. But we made it back safe and sound. Yeah!

Our visit in Indiana was nice. Evan got to hang out with a lot of his relatives and friends. I'll post more pictures on that later. Thankfully, the stranger anxiety hasn't set in yet (knock on wood). After checking out the new person for a minute or two, he was reaching out his arms wanting to be held. Such a sweet child!

Evan ate the traditional Thanksgiving feast...complete with turkey, mashed potatoes, and sweet potatoes. Yum! The tryptophan took its toll on everyone...including Evan. He looks so adorable napping...
He is walking unassisted more and more each day.

Now that we're home, he will walk in one direction, see something and turn to go another direction, all without holding onto something for assistance. Our baby is growing up. Hmfff...
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