Here's what happened: I laid Evan on the bed so I could change my shirt as he decorated it with a fair amount of spit-up. He was on his back and, like always, rolled to his left side. For the past few weeks, he'd do this but his left arm would be in the way, and he'd just roll back. Well, maybe it was the bunched up comforter that assisted him, but he used his legs to prop his body up and pop! Out comes his left arm. He even turned his head 180 degrees to look at me. I was amazed and squealed with delight. That made Daisy very excited and she wanted to play with Evan even more. I sure wished Daddy could have seen it...
Here is Evan right after rolling over (not the clearest picture as I snapped it very quickly to capture the moment!)...

Big sister Daisy was excited for her little brother and wanted to play a lot!
The start of this Mother's Day weekend is going pretty well. What could be a greater present than your little baby accomplishing a milestone right in front of your eyes! Daddy, hurry home!
I am trying to get there. Just give me a day, OK.
Grandma can now keep up with Evan and his "rollin', rollin', rollin'" on a daily basis!
Yea! Go Evan! We are still waiting on those rolling over lessons. ; ) We'll settle for the corespondance courses for now. So that means you have to catch him on camera, ok? ; )
Love ya lots!
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