This blog is dedicated to updating family and friends on the adventures of young Evan as he continues to learn, play, and amaze his parents.
I was quite surprised with all the help that was offered to me. When boarding the plane, they did NOT preboard. One minute they were making an announcement about our flight being over-booked, the next minute they were boarding Zones 1 & 2. So much for my extra time! Luckily a nice lady who was traveling on our plane offered to help me with the stroller. I really appreciated the help! Evan did well on his flight. OK, let me say that the seats are REALLY small when you're trying to nurse a baby, especially a 20-pound one. Evan got upset when starting to nurse because his feet got tangled in the armrests. And there was not much room. Once he got untangled, he settled down. He got a meal, played a bit with some toys, and took a nap. That was it on the plane! Folks came up to me after the flight and mentioned that they never heard him during the flight. Phew! I'm glad!
We met up with Alyssa and Wendy at the airport and off we went to the Cape. Jason met us there after driving through Plymouth, MA, from Boston and seeing Plymouth Rock. Unfortunately the weather on Friday in the Cape wasn't the greatest. It was chilly and rainy. The rain was off and on, so we ventured to the beach at the hotel while it wasn't raining.Here are Alyssa, myself, Evan, and Wendy at the beach...
Evan enjoyed the beach. It was chilly and the wind was quite cold. Whenever the wind blew, Evan would squeal and you could see his little hair blowing in the wind. It was adorable.
He was really interested in the water...he is an Aquarius, you know...This beach-thing is fun!
Here is a picture of our hotel at the Cape. We stayed at the Blue Water Resort.
As I said, the rain was off and on. This made for some beautiful pictures of the clouds, sky, and water. Jason is a great photographer and took these wonderful pictures...
Wendy found a beautiful shell along the water...
While we decided what was for dinner, Evan sacked out on the floor.
Onto Day 2...to follow soon!
Here is Daddy playing with his kids...All in all, a great Father's Day! My next item on the agenda is to find our dartboard in one of the hundreds of boxes we have. Daddy got new darts for Father's Day and he wants to put the dart board up in the garage. Gotta start digging through some boxes...
An update on Evan, he's doing great! He rolls over constantly (both ways) and we can't keep him on the blanket on the floor. He also is starting to "inch" as his way of crawling. Evan is fascinated with Daisy (as you can see in the above picture). He'll stop whatever he's doing to watch her. He reaches out every now and then to try to touch her. He's swatted Daisy on the head a few times; she was not too phased (which is great!). One funny thing Evan has started to do is bite down and sometimes suck on my nose and chin. He does this to my chin when I'm rocking him at night. Some nights I just can't stop laughing! Goofy child! He is sleeping in his crib now, and sleeping through the night again! YEAH!