While I was pregnant and on maternity leave, everyone, especially strangers, would always say to enjoy your children while they're at the baby stage because "they grow up so quickly." It seemed like I heard this phrase every few days. When your child is a newborn, you don't really get what people are saying, as they do change but at that stage, they're just eating, sleeping, and pooping. I get it now. Evan has changed so much in the past 5-6 months. It's amazing to see all that he has learned and accomplished. And to see how much he's grown! I sometimes look at him and can't believe he was ever as small as some of these newborns I see now. Well, he's not a newborn anymore, and his carseat proves it. He's too big for his infant carseat carrier. Yes, we had to buy the convertible carseat (we bought it awhile ago not knowing when he'd slow down his growth). We got it inspected yesterday (Montgomery County, Maryland, has a free program where they'll do carseat checks to make sure they're installed properly, etc. It's a great program, especially for us first-time parents!)

So far, with this carseat, Evan is 4 for 4 in falling asleep. He loves it! It is more spacious and very soft. Each time we've put him in the seat, he's fallen asleep within 10 minutes. Gotta love that!

Ahhh, as Daddy would say, our little boy is all grows up!
1 comment:
Yea! Go Evan!
Hey, you got a fuzzy bee book! ; ) Evan and Miles can have a book club discussion about it next time they see each other. Perhaps they can discuss the symbolism behind the absence of the bee.
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