Evan! Such a great little baby! He's been very happy and a joy to be around. Unfortunately right now he has a bit of "prickly" heat rash. Well, when it feels like 100 degrees outside I guess that'll do it to anyone! I called the doctor and there isn't much we can do except keep him cool. Evan loves that because he gets to crawl around the house in just a diaper. Fun! No new teeth yet, just the bottom 2. He is drooling up a storm now, so we keep checking out his teeth and gums. Patiently waiting for more.

He's loving all his baby food. In an ideal world, I would LOVE to make his baby food from scratch. But honestly, we barely have enough time to make food for ourselves, not to mention a baby! There is also no room to store it as our freezer is busting with milk for Evan. Hope he's thirsty! Hopefully with our next child I'll have more time and might make it from scratch. So for now, it's jarred organic baby food. He's gobbled most of the foods up quickly which is great.
He's not really crawling yet. He moves around with the "army crawl". We're eagerly waiting for the full hands and knees crawl. We did notice that he has started to pull himself up onto his knees using the ottoman and our legs as leverage. Not on his feet yet, but it's a start. 

Hey girl! Yea! You are back! I just bought Miles that same sippy cup. I had just been using one someone gave us. It comes in a million peices to clean! Miles is a sippy cup chomper too. Hopefully that cup will be better.
Don't worry about not making your own food! It can be a bit of a mess, so spend your time with Evan! By the way, I'm jealous of your milk supply. I wish I had a freezer full! Too bad we can't trade food for milk. ;)
Miss you!!! I will email sometime. Very busy! Stay cool....
I think I'm having Evan withdrawl! I need to see the little guy again soon. When are you coming back to the midwest? Well I guess I'll be out there in early October for the conference, can't wait to see you all then!
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