Sorry it's been a while since I've updated the blog. I had a certification exam for my career on Saturday and every waking minute not spent with Evan last week was dedicated to studying. It's over, phew, and now I can get back up to date!
Over Labor Day weekend, the Mears family just stuck around here and relaxed. We went to the pool and Evan went swimming again. He did really well, and was having a lot of fun splashing Mommy & Daddy (and inadvertently got himself in the meantime)!

After splashing around in the pool, Evan giggled and was goofy with Daddy...

Mommy got some cuddle time with her little man as well...

One of Evan's latest tricks is to throw his head back while standing, being held, basically anytime...

Wow! Look at that raised eyebrow. Too cute!

Evan is so squishable, squeezable, kissable, ahhhh, we just can't get enough of this face or these cheeks...

He still really likes to stand with the help of the ottoman, the couch, Mommy or Daddy. He's cruising around the furniture very well and sometimes only holds on with one hand. He actually stood on his own this past Friday with no hands! Watch out!

We think the little man's top 2 teeth are working their way down and might cut through this week. Evan's drooling up a storm and his gums are kind of red. He sure loves the chilled teething toys.

All in all, last week was great. Mommy & Daddy really enjoy watching Evan grow up and discover new things. Since he's so mobile, he's into everything and is quite curious. Yikes...what will tomorrow bring?

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