Evan's night started off with scrounging through the pantry. He can get into the pantry now and loves to get out the pasta boxes and shake them up and down. He also likes to empty out the cans and other foods in the bottom of the pantry. Seemingly harmless, right? Mommy & Daddy thought so too. We were eating our dinner tonight in peace, and then all of a sudden we heard some noises that didn't sound like macaroni rattling or cans dropping on the ground. Daddy checked on Evan and he had decided to play with an opened bag of egg noodles.

Not only play with them, but dump every last noodle on the ground or in the pantry! Ahhh, life is fun with a toddler...

Next on Evan's agenda was his first haircut! We are such novices at this parenting thing. Got some great advice from my sister and books and magazines, but Evan decided to challenge his parents. He would not sit still for Daddy to cut his hair. It turned out well, but getting there was a feat! Here is Evan before...

And after...

We kept a little length (aka curls) in the back for cuteness as well as warmth, as his lower hair isn't all grown in yet. OK, Mears family...who does Evan look like when he was a child?

We think he looks like his cousin, Zach, when he was little.
Now it was off to play before bedtime.

We have to practice our dunking as IU plays Purdue in basketball tomorrow night.

Evan lines up...

He reaches for the rim...
He dunks it...

Oh, who's on the phone?

Is it IU offering a basketball scholarship to Evan already?

Full ride? I'll take it!

Cute hair!
I was giggling out loud when I read about the pantry raid! And Jason did a nice job on that hair cut! Can't wait to see you all.... maybe in 6-8 more weeks...
Absolutely adorable! Got a good chuckle out of your post! ~ Alyssa :)
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