Evan went in for his 15-month check-up on Thursday. He's doing great! He is a big boy and has grown a lot since his 12-month check-up. He weighs 25 pounds, 5 ounces (65th percentile) and is 32 1/4 inches in length (80th percentile)! Evan's learning everything according to schedule and even showed off for his pediatrician.

When she asked if he points to things, he pointed to the cow on the wall. When she asked what sort of words he says, we told her the usuals like dada, baba, mama, Daisy, moo, etc. After Evan pointed to the cow, he said "moo". Such a show off! Dr. DeSouza got a big laugh out of that one. All in all, everything checked out well and he's a happy and healthy boy!
1 comment:
That Hawaiian shirt is priceless!!
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