Today we took advantage of the beautiful weather and headed to a nearby county park, Black Hill. It was nice. There is a large lake in the middle of the park that you can rent rowboats, take pontoon boat tours, and go fishing as well.

Around the lake are a lot of trails and pavilions that people can rent out for parties and get-togethers. We decided to get back to our pre-baby activities and go hiking again, with Evan and Daisy of course.
Evan did great! We started out on a paved trail and he was trekking up the hill like a pro. He was panting and "running" up it! People that we passed along the way were giggling at Evan and how much fun he was having. He really enjoyed picking up leaves and rocks...

We also stopped plenty of times to drink some water.

Evan made sure to stop often and take in his surroundings...
Doing a great job hiking...
After a while, the paved trail turned into a dirt trail, and eventually some rocky terrain as well. During some of the hiking, Evan hitched a ride with Daddy...
Note Evan's wide-opened mouth...he does that a lot now and it's so funny. It's his version of being surprised!
Daddy and son...
Daisy saw a trail to the lake and was extra eager to jump in...

Mommy giving Evan a lift...
Tuckered out Evan...
"Where did ddiosuo sogish go?" (aka Evan slang for, "where did he go?")