He knows where the spoons and forks come from, so he always opens the drawer and says, "poon?". His latest craze is Elmo, or "Melmo" as Evan calls him. He loves Elmo very much! We have a couple of Sesame Street CDs and Evan can always pick out Elmo when he's singing. It's cute! Evan also loves to dance to his Elmo radio. He'll put it on the kitchen table, hit the start button, and twirl around and around, dancing! We got it on video last night, so we'll post it soon on here.
Some of Evan's other fun times include taking all of his stuffed animals out of his red wagon and climbing in himself. He'll then pick up every animal off the ground as Mommy or Daddy pushes him back and forth.

1 comment:
Awesome! Miles knows Elmo from his cereal box and says it too! Email me the name of your CD. Sounds cute!!
Though NOOO computer usage in our house. He's already broken a key off our lap top and our computers are too precious to our businesses. They are OFF LIMITS! I need to drag out our old PC to let him play so he can keep up with the rest of the kids! Crap! We're behind!!!
; )
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