
Evan dressed up as Yoda this year for Halloween. We practiced wearing the "hat" all week so he'd be used to it. We even got out our pumpkin buckets and practiced trick-or-treating around the house, with little cars, puzzle pieces, etc. It all was worth it! 

He was ready to go after seeing the children trick-or-treat at our house...

On our way!

We ventured around the square to select townhomes and Evan got more and more used to walking up the sidewalks, ringing the doorbells, and looking at the pumpkins.
The neighbors would hand a piece of candy to Evan and he would put it in his pumpkin and wave bye-bye! He even told one pumpkin bye!
Yoda was a hit! Everyone thought he was adorable. Well, of course! 

After Evan's bucket was getting quite full (and Mommy & Daddy were tired), we headed back home. We set up camp in our driveway (something a lot of the people did in our neighborhood - very social!).
Yoda handed out candy to the kids walking by. It was really cute! Our old neighbors from the apartments live in our townhome neighborhood now too, so we were talking with her. Evan gave the kids so much candy when we were talking! He would give one piece at a time and kept coming back for more. It was great! Yoda really likes Halloween!
Yoda is contemplating something...perhaps chocolate?!

After we came inside, we relaxed a bit. Evan got to eat his first chocolate. "Yum!" He was a bit wired afterwards and played with Daddy...

And Daisy...
All in all we had a great time trick-or-treating tonight. Evan's, oh, I mean Yoda's Mommy and Daddy were really proud of how well he did! He's such a good boy!
We really need to be neighbors! (again) Our boys are SOOOOO alike right now!!! His costume is AweSOME!!! So cute.
I want yoda to come use the force with us! Funny- without the years, he looks like a YOUNGLING!
Adorable! You think I could borrow the hat?
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