Happy Easter from the Mears family! We had a great weekend as Wendy was in town - always such fun! We woke up and the Easter Bunny had visited. Evan was really excited and went running to his basket.

Thrilled to get a Percy bubble whistle (another train in the Thomas the Tank Engine series)...

Checking out his new PlayDoh toys with Daisy...

Did I miss anything?

After church, Evan and Aunt Wendy (aka Tia Neenee) played with a sticker book and worked on his Spanish...

Time to go hunting!

For eggs, of course!

He had a blast finding the eggs scattered around. The Easter Bunny hid them by all his toys, on the train, everywhere!

Evan was really fast in finding the eggs...

Always looking for another egg...

Daisy was helping too!

Any under here?

OK, this was funny. Evan could NOT find this egg for the life of him!

Daddy gave him hints and he still could not find it. He even picked up the puppy dog, gave him a hug...

And the egg was still there!

Finally Evan saw it and we had a good laugh!

Now we get to open them!

Evan had all his bowls and was collecting his goodies...

I got lots of stuff, huh? (as I have treats in my mouth!)
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