It's strawberry time here in Maryland! We have a local orchard (Butler's Orchard) that has pick-your-own fruit and the Mears family headed out last weekend to get some strawberries. It was fun! I had forgotten my camera then, so I made sure to bring it this past weekend when we picked some more.
Here is Evan picking strawberries...

Such a great helper!

Check out his bucket...

Are these good?

This one looks yummy...

Evan was such a great helper! He loved picking the berries.

You want me to pick how many more?

Helping Daddy...

No, Daddy, over there!

Walking over the berry plants...

Helping Mommy...

Evan would take some berries that Mommy picked and dump them into the big container that Daddy was carrying. He had fun!
1 comment:
He is adorable, and getting to be such a big fellow. I wish you guys were still in Alabama I am glad I am able to keep up with you guys through blogger.
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