Evan had his 9-month check up last Thursday. All is well! He's learning, moving, talking, and eating as he should be at this age.

We're going to introduce A LOT more table food over the next few weeks/months. Evan's pediatrician bacially gave us a list of foods NOT to feed him this young. Everything else is free game! Bring on the meat!!!! We're not disclosing his costume for Halloween yet, but we'll give you a clue...he tried cheddar and cottage cheese today...
As far as his measurements, Evan has slowed down gaining weight and started to lean out. This is normal once they start crawling/cruising/walking. He weighs 22 pounds, 12 ounces (80th percentile) and is 29 inches long (75th percentile). Even though he's leaned out, our neighbor noticed that Evan hasn't missed many meals!

Evan still really loves this lion walker toy. Sometimes he takes off in a slight sprint and it makes us laugh (and scramble to catch him if he falls).

He had his professional 9-month pictures this past week and the child would not smile normal. Evan either would not smile at all, would smile but wasn't looking at the camera, or would do the scrunched face smile.

Ahhhh, life with a 9-month old! He keeps us on our toes!
I had my second cake decorating class this weekend. I don't feel my cake is as pretty as last week's, but it's definitely a learning process. Now all I have to do is practice all the time...who wants cake? We surely can't keep eating these cakes by ourselves or we'll be 1000 pounds by the time I've perfected cake decorating!

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