With Evan's new top teeth, he's discovered new things to do with them. Mealtime has been interesting when he decides to clamp down on the spoon and refuse to open his jaws.

He thinks this is a fun game and giggles after he releases. Mommy and Daddy try not to laugh.

Today Mommy was eating a Honeycrisp apple (try them if you haven't already - they're the best!) When Mommy or Daddy eat something, the kids beg for it (yes, Daisy included)! Well, why not give Evan a tiny bit of apple to see how he likes the taste and texture. Honeycrisp apples are tart and crisp. We thought the taste test would be interesting...


More please...

He liked them! It seems like the only thing Evan doesn't like are peas. We think he gets that from his Aunt Jennie!
I know! We can't eat a thing around here if Miles is watching or we have to give him something too. Can you believe no teeth yet, btw?
Thanks for the heads up on the honeycrisp apples. Maybe I'll make some carmel apples. Doesn't that sound yummy?
Apples... yum!!! Peas... yuck!!! Evan, here's a tip from your Aunt Jennie... hide them under the table! They'll never know!!! :) Love to all!!! We miss you!
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