It's my 3rd birthday and I'm ready to play! I had a fun birthday. I got to stay in my PJs all day, open presents, and eat cake! Here I am hanging out in a new Lightening McQueen tent I got for my birthday...

Ready for cake!

My cake, just as I asked for it...


Make a wish...

It's so yummy...

On my birthday, I made an art project with Daddy...

Pretty neat cat, huh?!

I also went to the National Aquarium in Baltimore with Mommy and Daddy for my birthday. I loved seeing all of the fish...

Looking at a "Nemo" fish...

Ooohhhh...a shark...

We also went to a dolphin show. It was neat to see the dolphins jump in the air...

Intently watching...


Thank you everyone who made my birthday so special!
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