We got a lot of snow in February...in fact, we got so much snow it broke records in the DC area. In the first storm we received 27+ inches of snow! Here is the view out our front door when it just started...

The drifts by the front door...

The front view with TONS more snow...

Daisy wasn't sure she wanted to go outside...

Can you see Mommy's car? Not very well!

The snow is deeper than my doggie!

I love making snow angels! They're tons of fun!

Here's Daddy trying to dig out...

I'm trying to help too!
Snowball fight!

I had lots of fun in the snow. Here I am climbing on the snow to get to the playground but I didn't make it too far without needing help from Mommy and Daddy...

Camping out in the dark and cold house...we lost power for a long time and it was freezing!

A few days after this snowstorm, we got another 10+ inches dumped on us! We didn't know where to put all of the snow! Here is a view of our quiet street...

There is so much snow that you cannot go swinging!

Daddy tried though!

I went down the slide...fun!

Of course I had to make snow angels!

Here's our makeshift snowman...the snow was very hard and icy, but we made it work!

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