Evan played with this table full of blocks when he was at Grandpa and Nana's house in Michigan. He loved it! We thought it would be a great idea to have it in our new kitchen. Evan keeps busy by throwing all the blocks on the ground. He is in a demolition stage right now!
Another fun thing Evan likes to do is open and shut doors (that aren't clasped shut). We'll see him wander into the bathroom, bedroom, or closet and soon enough, the door slowly closes behind him. It's hilarous! He laughs a lot when we "chase" him and find him hiding behind a door.
Memory lane...since our baby boy is 1 year old now, I thought it would be fun to see how much he's changed over the past year. This photo was taken just after he was born on January 22, 2007. Such a sweet face...
Here'e one taken on January 25, 2007. Check out how little he is...