Lots of photos today...enjoy!
By request, we've been teaching Evan to "kiss". Mommy and Daddy will pucker up and open our arms, and Evan will come bounding in for a smooch! It's adorable! He's getting quite good at it. Although, sometimes he leans in with his tongue out...gotta work on that one! So Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins...watch out! Evan's coming to get you!

Evan's been an Energizer bunny lately. He's been staying up late (a week's vacation with no schedule will do that to you) and walking around all over the family room. He'll just walk in circles and circles and circles until he plops down. All the while he's laughing and squealing. How adorable are babies?!

There are those rare calm and quiet times. Evan and Daddy enjoy a moment...

Bath time! Evan really likes his baths. He'll splash a ton when we put him in the tub.

He will graduate to the "big boy tub" when we move into our new home in a few weeks. I can only imagine the fun we'll have then!

Goof-monster...enough said!

No really, Mommy was helping Evan do rolls and somersaults today. He was having a ball!

I still need to post pictures from the holidays. Maybe I'll have time over the weekend. Stay tuned!
That picture of him in the tub with the mohawk is priceless. You need to print that one out for sure!!
He's got the form down for the forward roll. Are you sure his cousin Nadiya didn't teach him it? :) Love the tub/mohawk picture too!
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