It's been one whole year since the day Evan changed our lives forever. He's a wonderful child and Mommy and Daddy are thrilled he is here. Evan is such a blast!
His first birthday was pretty good. Mommy and Daddy had to work, so Evan spent the day with his friends at daycare. When Daddy picked him up after work, Rupa, Evan's caregiver, told Jason to go to the basement, where the kids play. Turns out there was a surprise birthday party for Evan! Complete with hats, cake, and balloons!! Evan had some chocolate cake with white frosting. Yum!
Then, Evan came home to a family room full of gifts, literally! He opened the first gift and was quite content and happy with it.
Turns out he had a lot more to open, so it took a while! I know this slow opening won't last long!
He proceeded to climb on this box to get his gift out!Then, Evan came home to a family room full of gifts, literally! He opened the first gift and was quite content and happy with it.

Then came the cake! 
Mommy & Daddy both decorated these cakes for Evan. We put a slice in front of him and he didn't know what to do with it.
Mommy tried to smash his hand into it and he got upset. Well, turns out he wanted a spoon! When we gave him a spoon, he smashed it!
We taught him well...


So. . . what did my cute nephew get for his birthday from mommy and daddy?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I thought of you guys on his big day!!! (Hope you got my card on time.)
I'm dying to know what you got him too!
Jen, I can't belive it's been a year! Do you remember how we would talk about our pregancies and how STRANGE it all was!? Who knew it would all be so much fun!!
Miss you guys!!!!!!
Love the pictures, especially the one of him sticking out his tongue while he unwraps his gift and the one of him climbing on the box. Can't wait to hear what he got!!
So when's the big haircut day?? Be sure to take some pics of that!
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