We started moving boxes into our new townhome on Friday. Phew! We're exhausted already and have so much more to do! Our muscles are calling for a nice warm bubble bath in our new jacuzzi tub.

Getting a townhome means getting 2 flights of stairs for Evan to climb. He LOVES stairs! He's climbed up the stairs multiple times already. Needless to say, Mommy and Daddy bought some baby gates last night.

Here's a quick glimpse of the main level to the townhome (kitchen, dining room, living room)...

The basement/family room. There is a ton of space for Evan to run around! Yah!

Evan's gotten tooth #6!! His bottom right tooth broke through yesterday. No wonder he's drooling so much! It looks like 2 more teeth are ready to cut as well. We'll be up to 8 teeth in no time.
Wish us luck in moving more this week. If you don't have our new address, please email me and I'll forward it along.
Oh my gosh Jen it's AMAZINGLY beautiful! I'm so jealous! All of my friends keep buying bigger houses and it's freaking me out! I'm soooo happy for you guys though. (R U sentimental about leaving your old place behind since that is where you brought Evan home or are you like GET ME OUTTA HERE!?)
Guess this means you have more room for guests, right?
; )
Oh, verrrry jealous of that bathtub. Evan will go nuts! We had one on a vacation and Miles was in Heaven. I might move JUST for a bigger tub! (I left one behind at my old house. What was I thinking?)
The place looks awesome! You'll LOVE having more room. We desperatelyt need more room, but that will come with time. LOVE the bathtub too! On my "wish list" for the new house someday. . . Have fun moving boxes! Just think of the workout you are getting without even having to go to the gym. . . which BTW I've gone for two weeks now and have started to loose the "5th baby stomach" - YEAH!!!
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