Wow! I forgot that having a larger place would require SOOOO much extra cleaning! Jason and I just spent over an hour on our hands and knees scrubbing our kitchen floor. We're a great team together, as he'd scrub with a brush, and I would go behind him with a sponge. The floor looks great but our muscles will pay for it tomorrow! Here is a sneak peak at the kitchen.

The room extends twice the size as what you see here. We have plenty of space for Evan's high chair, a breakfast nook, kitchen cart, and Evan's new birthday present (shhhh...don't tell him...he doesn't know what he's getting!). While we're at the new place cleaning and unloading boxes, Evan's been a dream!

We try to coordinate our trips with his naps, so he just sleeps while we work. So far it's working. He's such a great child!
Congratulations Mears family on your new home!! Looks wonderful! Wishing you all the best and looking forward to catching up with you. Also, here is to a great day for Evan being 1 day shy of a year old!
Lots of love,
I think you have more storage space in your kitchen than we do! Trying to figure out what Evan's birthday present is. . . but not sure. . . :)
Happy Birthday Evan! Can't wait to hear what you got for your birthday (I can't figure it out either).
Jen, the place looks great! Can't wait to visit and see it first hand this spring.
Happy First Birthday Evan! I can't wait to see pictures and read about how you, Mommy, Daddy, and Daisy celebrate today!
Have lots of fun today!
Happy 1st Birthday Evan!
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