Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Lots of playing

Since Evan can sit unsupported now, it seems that is all he wants to do. He plays a lot while in that position. We've moved his LeapFrog toy to the next stage, and he can sit up and play with it. He LOVES that toy!
We've also pulled out his stacking toy. He loves to play with the rings. Daddy was showing Evan how to put them on the stacker in the correct size order, but Evan hasn't gotten to that stage yet! Some day, probably sooner than we think...

What IU fan doesn't start out young? Daddy & Mommy were playing 1-on-1 Nerf basketball and Evan wanted to join in. Here he is dunking the ball...IU basketball scholarship in the works?

We sure are having tons of fun with Evan. His solid food tastings have included rice cereal (of course), carrots, peas, pears, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and apples. His favorites right now are the sweet potatoes and apples. There is a little "south" in him after all!

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