Thursday, March 6, 2008

Love those Cheerios!

Evan's been an absolute blast recently! New happenings with Evan...he got his 8th tooth, this one on the bottom row, earlier this week. He still loves to talk and say new words. His standards are Daddy, Mommy, Daisy, Uhhh (for "up"). New words are Boom (he loves Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?), Baba (for bottle or sippy cup), Moo (again, from Mr. Brown and all his farm and barn toys), and Baaboon (for balloon - which is still up by the way!).

This child is hilarious. On Tuesday evening, Mommy and Daddy were laying on the floor, playing with Evan and I asked him who was on the phone? Was it Grandma? He went over to his toys and found his cell phone and put it up to his ear! Gotta love that! Another fun game started last Saturday when Daddy got to hang out with Evan one-on-one. I came home and Daddy's hat was not on his head. When prompted where the hat belongs, Evan would take the hat and walk over to Daddy and put it on his head! Brilliant child, I tell you!

When he's walking around on the main level of our house, Evan will put his sippy cup (which is full of water) in the cabinet where all the plastic containers, bottles, sippy cups are stored. And he'll close the door. Such a good helper!
Daisy and Evan are becoming best buds. Evan loves to be chased and Daisy will chase him around the couch and you'll hear the loudest squeal of happiness coming from Evan when he sees her. He'll take her toys and walk or throw them at Daisy and say "Daisy" trying to get her attention. Daisy's been smothering Evan with kisses when we get home at the end of the day too.

Oh, the point of the post...Cheerios! Evan loves his Cheerios! I took some pictures of him yesterday eating a snack. He often offers his food to Mommy or Daddy (and even Daisy). Sometimes we take it to encourage him that the food isn't bad and to eat it. Most days that works like a charm. Want a Cheerio?...

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I can't wait to visit so I can hang with Evan (and the rest of the Mears family too)!!!!